Wouldn’t it be fun if you could combine your love of quilting with a family fun evening of playing board games? Well – you can!
DMC, manufacturer of the world’s leading embroidery floss, needlework fabrics and accessories, introduces Quilt-opoly™ - an exciting new property trading game that lets quilters share their passion for quilting with friends and family.

Quilt-opoly™ is a fun game where players pick their favorite quilting game pieces and move around the “blocks” collecting Quilting Techniques and Block Designs to create their very own quilting empire! However, they must be careful that they don't pick the “You sewed the seams uneven and now the points don't match” game card or they will have to go to “Rip Out Seam” without passing “Start Quilting” and collecting $200. And they must not forget to attend the “National Quilt Show”, who knows, their quilt could win the grand prize. Players get chances to “Go Shopping” and look in the “Fabric Stash” pile of game cards that keeps the play fun and exciting. They can also flip the deed cards over and get inspiration from the quilt block designs to create beautiful quilts!
DMC Quilt-opoly™ is designed to be fun and entertaining, however, it also features an inspirational element through its beautiful Quilt Block Designs. The game feature twenty three Block Designs which can be used as inspirations to create charming quilts.
How surprised will your quilting friends be when you invite them over for a fun afternoon of Quilt-opoly™ and lemonade! Have everyone bring a Fat Quarter – and winner take all!
DMC is graciously offering one lucky Quilting on a Budget reader the opportunity to win this Quilt-opoly™ board game! The Give Away is restricted to mailing addresses in the U.S. only, please. (International and Canadian readers – another terrific Give Away next week will be offered to you as well!) The Give Away ends at midnight (EST) on Friday, June 26, 2009.HOW TO WIN
Leave a comment to this post describing the last board game you played, AND who you will play Quilt-opoly™ with if you are the lucky winner! All entrants must complete this requirement.
In your comment, include your email address or be sure your blog link contains your email address! Our past two Give Aways have had to be re-drawn because initial winners didn’t leave their email address or it wasn’t on their Blog profile page!
Receive one additional entry for TWITTERING about this Give Away! Use @BudgetQuilting in your Tweet! Then come back here and leave a comment – INCLUDE YOUR TWITTER ID IN YOUR COMMENT.
Receive TWO additional entries by BLOGGING ABOUT THIS GIVE AWAY! Leave a link to your blog post in your comment.
Once entries are verified, the winner will be randomly chosen on Saturday, June 27, and notified via email. The winner will have 48 hours to return email with your full name and mailing address.
The last Board game I played was yesterday. I played The Game of Life with my children.
I made a post about this Give-away on my blog, http://atmyhouse-bianca.blogspot.com/.
The last board game we played was trivia pursuit. We have one of the first versions of that and
our Monopoly game is well over 30 years old!
If I were the lucky winner of Quilt-opoly, I would be playing it with all my family and friends, all non quilters! (But maybe this game will make quilters out of them!)
zansabar at gmail.com
The last board game I played was a National Geographic Explorer game. If I were to win the Quilt-opoly game I would play it with my Thursday morning quilt group. Carolyn
I love board games. I play Scrabble regularly and that is the board game that I played last. I would probably play this game with my quilting group that meets on Wednesdays... the Quilt Divas or, I would take it to a quilting retreat and play it there with willing participants who need a break from their sewing machines. rosyquilter@hotmail.com
I have never been first to post!! A favorite game for my grandson and me is SORRY. We play alot but I hardly ever win...
Although not technically a board game we all play Dominos, Mexican Train and we played Pokino which is a board game like Bingo. When we play its usually my Hubby Larry, Dtr Patty, her 2 children Brandon 13 and Katie who is 8 1/2. We have a great time together and keeps them from constantly being in front of the TV or playing Wii. We have played Monopoly but not too often. Thanks for the opportunity to win the Quilt-Opoly. My e-mail is kbartolotti@yahoo.com. Thank You
Last board game I played was Candy Land with my youngest granddaughter. I'd play Quiltopoly with the gals in my neighborhood quilting group...especially when we go on our retreat to Lancaster, PA, in November!!! That is Amish quilt country and how great it would be to take this game with us!!!
I'd love to have a copy of Quilt-Opoly. I would enjoy getting a group of quilters together to play & evaluate and then writing about it on my blogsite, plus posting photos.
Sounds like fun. The last game I played, was actually a Monopoly based game! Great fun.
SewCalGal (@) live.com
I played Settlers of Cataan with my husband and son last week. I would play Quiltopoly with my sister who has taught me much about quilting, and my mom who taught me to sew when I was 8!
Thanks for the chance. I also twittered, name vbourck.
I played Yahtzee with the kids on our trip to Sedona earlier this month. There's something about that place -- we got yahtzee five times in one game, and one of those was rolled by the four year old!
Quiltopoly looks like it would be a blast -- I've blogged about it at http://mychellem.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-am-so-in-love-with-this-quilt-that.html.
The last game I play was Catopoly. I also got one with our home town as the board. Love this game and the new versions. I would probably make my poor husband play with me;)
Ack - hope this isn't a duplicate! The last board game I played was Mad Gab, although we don't actually use the board. We just try to figure out the cards. The object of the game is to decipher phrases that are made up of odd combinations of words. For example, "Aisle Oven Nook Wilt" when said out loud, sounds like "I'll love a new quilt."
I would play the game with my family and friends quilting group that gets together at our house ever month. June set a new record with eight people - me, Mom, three aunts, a great aunt, a friend, and my aunt's daughter's husband's mom.
The last board game I played was Electronic Dectective with my grandchildren, however they have now moved to WI so don't get to play with them often. I did buy them the new monopoly game where you don't have to deal with all that money again it is eletronic. Now, if I win who would I play Quilt opoly with, my quilting buddies of course and then if the grandchildren are around I would play with them cause they are part of my quilting buddies, as all three of them quilt, have a stash, few tools, etc.
The last board game that we played was Trivial Pursuit. Very competitive! I'm attending a week long quilt retreat in July. We usually play a game called "Left, right, left" in the afternoon. I'd love to play Quiltopoly with some of my quilting buddies. Fat quarters would fly!
Great giveaway.
I also wanted to let you know that I have nominated your blog for the Kreative Blogging Award. Just go to my blog for details: http://sewfunquilts-sewmeow.blogspot.com/
I would love love love this game!
The board game I played was with my son, daughter-in-law and hubby...about 2 weeks ago we were visiting them on vacation and the lights went out. Lucky for us I had just picked up the game Tri-bond at a thrift store that day and we played it by candle light!
I would play Quiltopoly with any of my family when they come visit! A good time will be had by all!
aorlflood at comcast dot net
Would love to win! My quilty friend, Shelly, and I would enjoy this very much :o) The last board game I played was Sorry!
I think the last board game I played was Monopoly. My kids love to play it. Quiltopoly would be played with some friends from my quilting group. I know we would have a blast playing!
Hello, the last board game I played was Parcheesi, played day before yesterday with my grandchildren. I would play the quilt game with them, too; my grandson (age 9) is making his first quilt this summer (3 blocks finished, 39 to go!) and this would be a great way to introduce him to "quilty" jargon. I could also play it with my husband and grown children; after listening to me talk about quilting all these years, they should be fine with it! Thank you! Dinah Snyder (clardina@sbcglobal.net)
The last board game that I played was checkers. I would play Quilt-opoly with my granddaughters...they love board games and I'm trying to teach them to love quilting too!
Oh my gosh what a neat idea! I would love to win this game, my 15 year old daughter and quilting partner and I play board games all the time out two favorite are Life and Cribbage although I am not sure cribbage counts as it is a card game that uses a board.... So I would have to say that Torrie and I would play this game often.
Thank you
Gin1906 at aol dot com
This may be a duplicate, blogger is giving me fits today. The last time I played a board game was Monopoly on the patio with the grandkids. I would love to win this game to share with my sewing friends. I love the idea of bringing a fat quarter and winner take all. Talk about a stash building opportunity!
I played Sorry with my 9 year old and 4 year old and it was FUN!!!
I regularly play scattergories with my daughters, and the last time we played was this past week. They are who I would play quilt-opoly with. We love board games!
I regularly play scattergories with my 2 daughters ages 11 and 13. We played this past week. I would play quiltopoly with them as well.
Angela W in NC
We play card games more often but I'm pretty sure we played Monopoly at Christmas with my family. I would love to take quilt-opoly on a quilting retreat.
I play Scrabble on a daily basis... usually online but also love the 'real life' game with my grandson.
My grandson and I play Checkers on a regular basis (he always wins!) I'd love some Quiltopoly adult playtime with my Batty Babes quilt group! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow the last adult board game I played was Mad Gab and Scrabble...and with my 12 year old niece it was a Hannah Montana game.
My email is Cluvaughn28 at Dejazzd dot com
the last board game I played was with my 5 year-old grandaughter. It was "The Littlest Pet Shop". I'll play this game with my quilting friends and maybe the 5 year old--can't get them hooked too young LOL
k d maine 77 at yahoo dot com
My cousins and I played Monopoly when we were growing up. This is totally cool having a quilt version for all the grown up little girls and boys!
I will play with some of my non-guild quilt buddies and my new friends in the Becasso Bee.
Last game was probably Quilto at my former guild's picnic (in another state).
The last board game I played was Candy Land with my 3 year old grandson. I swear the kid is a hustler, he won every time! LOL!
The quiltopoly game would be fun to play with my quilt group or even take to retreats!
Karen in Indiana
One of the fondest childhood memories that I have was playing monopoly with my brothers. We took the game so serious. We'd leave it set up so we could continue the game until someone finally ran out of money.
Last game I played was Candyland with my little one. If I won Quilt-opoly i would play it with my friend, Diana, who is new to quilting but loves it!
What a cute idea! I would like to play with my quilt club, or at quilt retreat.
I am blogging about this too.
The last board game I played was Sorry....we play more cards these days. But i would love to play Quiltoploy, with my DD, whom has finally gotten the love of quilts and quiltmaking!
The last board game I played was Monopoly. I would play Quiltopoly with my grand-daughters and also with my quilting retreat friends
The last game I played was Chutes and Ladders with my grandsons. I would love to win Quiltopoly to play with my quilting friends.
Last game we played was today,
scrabble, all ages can play and the little ones get to help pick the tiles great family game.
I would play quilt-opoly with friends and also a great game to take to retreat .we late nighters love to play a little after the young ones have crashed tee hee under 50
and you can leave come back and continue to play which is the great way to have continues fun.
thanks for the great offer to win
have a quilty day
Last board game played was Chutes & Ladders with DGS. Although now he loves to play Trouble! I would love to win this game...I've looked at it.....but have not put it in the budget. I am wanting to put together a "quilty" day with some ladies - so would be a great game for that!
Here's my blog link to my post!
Very cool!! I would pack this game first thing to drag along on a retreat! And bring on those fatquaters, what a great prize! The last board game I played was Parcheesi, my 15 year old son loves all of the "rules". I've listed the giveaway on my blog too!!
thanks for the fun blog - love it!
joannelendaro @ yahoo.com
Blockus was the most recent board game and it did not take darling grandson, age 7, but 2 or 3 turns to think strategy...so he and his sweet sister will be the players for this new Quiltopoly...so much fun to look forward to!
Hi ya'll,
Last board game I played was Operation with my son.....I lost! Dang buzzer really frazzles me after a while. All the laughing makes up for it though!
If I'm lucky enough to win the Quilt-opoly game I'd take it to my Thursday quilt group and the following week to my Wednesday quilt group.
Shari shariwild@yahoo.com
The last board game I played was Monopoly Jr. with my two 6rd old granddaughters. And I would play the Quiltopoly game with my family on Friday nited when we have Family Game Night.
I have the Stitch-o-poly version of this game! It's loads of fun and totally brings back great memories of playing Monopoly with the family as a kid. I don't want to win, since Quilt-oploy and Stitch-opoly are so similar, but whoever wins will have great fun!!
Board Games, Scrabble of course...Last played June 14th with my sister's sister in-law, my daughter and my brother, Mr. Smartpants, yes he won...we played in the park while the barbeque was agoing...mus_line@msn.com
The last board game I played was Scrabble....does it count when your grandchildren beat you soundly ! If I were to win I'd have my quilt group The Material Girls over for an old fashioned sleep over...and we'd play the night away ! You can reach me at russandmike@ori.net Thanks
The last game I played was Junior Monopoly with my kids. They're a little too young to play the Quilt-opoly but I'd bring it to my quilt club to play with the ladies there.
Ah...the last time I played a board game...does that include something like yahtzee or farkle? I played Farkle the other night (yesterday, maybe?), actual board game was probably Candyland with my little boys. That had to have been a while ago since the cards have somehow been lost/destroyed/you-name-it.
I just posted the URL for this give-a-way on my blog. :-)
OH...forgot to mention that I'd play Quiltopoly with my mom and my aunt, who are also quilters. Unlike me, they are actual quilters. I'm mostly a wannabe---at least until my kids are in school full time or out of the house. (and that's a long way coming since they are ages 7 and 4!)
The last board game I played was Chutes and Ladders with my grandkids. I grew up playing board games and I think it is important for the video game generation to have this experience.
I would play Quiltopoly with my guild buddies on retreat!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
The last board game I played was Scrabble with my granddaughter. We learned a new game "Golf" from friends that moved from Louisiana. I would play Quiltopoly with my friends at Retreat in January.
Oh my...the last board game I played would be scrabble. I would love to win and would play it at quilt camp.
My mother-in-law would love this game! She kills us all at monopoly so we never play with her, but she is an avid quilter! I don't think I have played a board game forever, bit banana-grams are a staple in my house!
The last board game I played was Scrabble with my best girlfriend two weeks ago. I beat her good, too! Thank goodness, because lately I've been playing Settlers of Cataan with my sister and her family and they always trounce me! Ah well. If I were to win this game, I would play it with my Monday morning quilting buddies AND with my almost-7-year-old son who is just now finishing his first quilt.
The last game we played was scrabble. I played it with my boys. We love board games.
The last board game I played was Dog-opoly.
If I am the lucky winner I would play Quilt-opoly with my "Pirate Quilting" buddies and any of my other quilting friends.
Oh how I'd LOVE to win this game. The last board game I played was Pictionary with DH, SIL and BIL. If I won Quilt-opoly, I'd be playing with the Crazy Ladies (3 of my quilting buddies)when we go to my other home in DE this fall for our quilting long weekend. I added a note about the giveaway on my blog at http://sewtherequilting.blogspot.com/2009/06/quilt-opoly-giveaway.html.
Thanks for the chances to win!
The last board game I played was Chutes and Ladders with students I taught. I would be playing quiltopoly with my family and friends. My husbands grandchildren love to play board games when they visit.
Thanks for a chance to win a fun board game!
The last board game I played was Mancala, and before that was Payday. My nephew likes to play board games when he is here. All of the family members have a variety of board games and we play them when we gather together.
The last board game I played was... oh... wow. I remember some poker a couple years ago? Maybe it was crainium with my family 3 years ago?
I'd probably bring the game to my quilting group to see if I can "tease" anybody into playing. :)
The last one I played was Scrabble. I'd play this with my "lake house ladies" sewing group. Thanks for the chance.
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